As an Australia USA Customs Broker, we meet you where you are and ensure your product ships safely to where it needs to be.
Australia is known for its extremes, we are renown for our beautiful natural wonders all the way to being home to 21 of the world’s 25 most venomous snakes.
We are known for our wide open spaces, our beaches, deserts, and a general love of the outback and the bush. 90% of the 24.6 million people living in Australia live on the coast and the Great Barrier Reef is the planet’s largest living structure. Australia is one of the world's most highly urbanised countries and is well known for attractions in large cities such as Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Perth.
Whether shipping to or from Australia USA, Customs Brokers can navigate the vast amount of paperwork and logistics which you will be required to complete.
Australia's total Exports grew 8.5 % year over year in Dec 2019. Total Imports recorded 18.8 USD bn in Dec 2019, which registered an increase of 6.9 % year on year. The shipping and logistics are an exponential requirement for the success of all countries and the businesses they support, which GDL's Australia USA Customs Broker knows all about.
Australia exports the most to China, followed closely by Japan, Korea, USA, India, Singapore, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. According to the UN Comtrade 2016/2017 Australia is;
Let our Australia USA Customs Broker handle all your shipping and logistics needs.
USA exports to Australia account for 1.5% of overall USA exports in 2018. The top export categories (2-digit HS) in 2018 were: machinery ($4.5 billion), vehicles ($3.5 billion), optical and medical instruments ($2.3 billion), electrical machinery ($2.2 billion), and aircraft ($2.2 billion)
As our exclusive partner in USA, GDL is cooperated more than 13 years together with us. Anytime and any case we can communicate smoothly, not only weekend but also pm 12:00 or am 3:00. Customer service is our only one goal. Thanks a lot for my partner.